Welcome To Canara Docklifts

CANARA DOCK LIFTS PVT. LTD . , headquartered at Bangalore, India was incorporated in the year 2016 under the able leadership of Mr. Balaji Rao Shindhe with a vast experience to manufacture quality material handling produts and having run the Industry called Dock Lifts Material Handling Equipments under his ownership since 2005. Aiming to have a more organised set up to build more quality products in material handling applications CANARA DOCKLIFTS PVT. LTD has been incorporated with a good infrastructure and the qualified engineering team to build various range of equipments and solutions for material handling. OUR PRODUCTS CDPL Provides the Following Range of Products. Docl Leveller Scissor Lifts Goods Lifts Hand Pallet Truck Hand Scissor Lift Hand Table Truck Manual Stacker Electrical Stacker Drum-Loader Grabs CANARA DOCKLIFTS PVT. LTD. Bangalore, India manufactures and suppliers of huge range of Material Handling Equipments suitable for a wide ra...